Car Insurance Tips for Large Families

Before taking a car to the street it is mandatory that you have the  vehicle insurance, which covers the risks of driving in case of having  an accident. The contracting of car insurance covers the civil liability  of the owner and the driver of the car – in case it is not the same  person – for the damages and injuries caused to third parties.

Virtually all insurance companies allow you to extend the Civil  Liability of your policy with the Voluntary Civil Liability modality, a  recommended insurance for large families. This covers the damage that  the rest of occupants of your vehicle may cause to a third party. For  example, if your child throws an object through the window and it hits  the car behind you, your insurance will be liable for the damage caused,  but if you do not have this guarantee, you will have to pay for the  repair.

In families with children who have a driver’s license and want to use  the insured vehicle, it is convenient to declare it in the company and  if it is under 25 years old it is mandatory by law.

Currently, there are thousands of offers to buy car insurance. Get  advice from an insurance broker. For a price very similar to Internet  offers, the broker will solve your doubts and offer a comparison of  prices and coverages in different companies.

The first thing large families should know when securing the car

Decide if you want third party insurance or all risk. If the car is  new, the best is a risk. But a complete third party is a good option.

If you choose a risk, decide if you want it with or without  franchise. With franchise the price of insurance will be reduced. You  will only pay the franchise if you are guilty or there is no guilty  party for sinister.

Check the quality-price. A low premium price is proportional to a reduction in coverage.

See if you have a reduction in the price of insurance for not having  had accidents in recent years. But if you have declared an accident as  guilty you may have surcharges.

Read carefully the conditions of the insurance company if you have a  claim. See if you can freely choose the workshop and if the travel  assistance is from Km 0.

If one of the parents has other insurance contracted, some companies issue special discounts.

When hiring your auto insurance

To get the best price, we recommend having your current policy and the vehicle’s documentation on hand.

Keep in mind if it is a new or used vehicle, if you use it regularly or sporadically, also if a new person is going to drive it.

In the case of the minivan, it is convenient that you do not lose  sight of the fact that it is a family car. It is a car that will be  surrounded by children and therefore is more likely to receive scratches  and unintentional blows from children. Open the door too strong or not  fixed, and grate it without realizing it. They are small family  accidents more common than you think.

Do not look only at the basics. Compare the insurance coverage: if  there is compensation for death and disability, compensation in case of  theft or total loss. In the case of large families, it includes travel  assistance coverage and, according to the policy, it could include a  replacement vehicle, taking into account the number of seats in the  usual vehicle.

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